Rule Engine

PCB for smt industry

What is a Rule Engine? A rule engine is a type of logic that enables manufacturing actions to be automated based on specific guidelines or pre-established “rules”. They are comprised of 2 key features: Defined conditions;Subsequent appropriate reactions.By looking at the current conditions, the rule engine will enact the appropriate action based on the logic […]

Six Sigma


Six Sigma is a management philosophy with the goal of reducing quality defects in production processes using a broad variety of statistical analysis “tools” and techniques. It is a robust methodology that borrows elements from other manufacturing methodologies, such as Lean, Agile Manufacturing, Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), and the relatively similar (but functionally distinct!) Lean Six Sigma, for a few examples

Smart Forms

What Are Smart Forms? Smart Forms enable companies to create interactive forms and checklists that integrate directly into your work instructions. To the rest of the world, Smart Forms are primarily a method of collecting data from workers on the shop floor. But to us here at VKS, Smart Forms can be used to do […]

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Software as a Service (SaaS) is an on-demand software licensing or web-based application platform offered on a subscription basis; it is under the umbrella of cloud computing. SaaS is beneficial to companies that would like the flexibility of a custom program without the complicated and costly infrastructure. It also allows for far greater processing and […]


Flux de matériaux intelligents

A Standard Operating Procedure, more commonly known as an SOP, is a set of instructions for a frequently performed action. An optimal SOP needs to be straightforward enough to be understood by most people, seeing as it is created to standardize tasks and improve the quality control of administrational details. It is known by many other common names, including protocol, code of conduct, checklist, or procedure.

Total Quality Management

Flux de matériaux intelligents

Total Quality Management (TQM) is an ongoing process of continually improving the quality of internal operations and processes by recognizing, mitigating, and eliminating errors.

Tribal Knowledge

smt storage

Tribal knowledge is a term used to describe the collective knowledge of any specific group of people. For every group and every role within a society, there is a specific set of knowledge and experience that has been cultivated over time.

Takt Time


Takt Time is a lean manufacturing tool used by companies to measure the rate at which a single product needs to be completed to meet customer demand. Or in more simple terms, Takt Time is the required production rate to keep up with demand. Keeping track of Takt Time enables companies to accurately gauge how fast their production schedule needs to be while enabling them to optimize their productions and keep less inventory.

Industrie 5.0

Qu’est-ce que l’industrie 5.0 ? L’industrie 5.0 est la prochaine révolution industrielle où les hommes et les machines travaillent harmonieusement ensemble. En s’appuyant sur les technologies de l’industrie 4.0 telles que le Big Data et l’IoT, l’industrie 5.0 vise à aider les humains à travailler plus rapidement et plus intelligemment. La révolution précédente, l’industrie 4.0, […]

Industrie 4.0

« Industrie 4.0 » est un surnom pour notre ère actuelle de technologie numérique dans la fabrication industrielle. Caractérisée par une collaboration entre le travail humain et le travail autonome, la quatrième révolution industrielle s’est développée au-delà des premières capacités informatiques, se distinguant pleinement comme une nouvelle vague de fabrication à partir du début des années 2000. […]