Production allégée
Qu’est-ce que la production allégée ? La production allégée est une méthodologie de production utilisée par les fabricants pour éliminer les déchets, optimiser la valeur pour le client et accroître la productivité de l’entreprise. En se concentrant sur les facteurs qui ajoutent de la valeur et en réduisant les activités qui sont source de gaspillage, […]
Lean Six Sigma
Au fil des années, les entreprises ont mélangé et assorti leurs philosophies de gestion, et nombre d’entre elles ont constaté que les méthodologies de production allégée et Six Sigma se complétaient bien. La méthode Lean Six Sigma a donc été progressivement adoptée dans le double but de réduire les variations et les déchets. PRINCIPAUX ENSEIGNEMENTS […]
On Premises
On Premises, also known as on-premises or on-prem, is a type of licensed software that is independently hosted on a private server physically at the client’s location. It is the alternative to Software-as-a-Service, which is based on cloud computing. KEY TAKEAWAYS On premises (or “on-prem”) is installed software “on” the customer’s “premises” Opposite of cloud-based […]
Net-Zero Economy
Climate change is drastically affecting the field of global industrial production, and manufacturing leaders are responding to the challenge. By investing in sustainable strategies like green collar jobs and adapting to change, we can improve upon the framework we have built for global production and exchange Insight for this topic comes from Green Collar Jobs, […]
Mixed-Model Assembly
What is Mixed-Model Assembly? Mixed-Model Assembly is a type of production system that produces several distinct products or models within one operation without decreasing productivity, efficiency, and quality. Within these environments, the number of products built on one line can reach up to hundreds of thousands of variations. The frequency and specifications of the models […]
Planification des besoins en matériaux (MRP)
Qu’est-ce que la planification des besoins en matériaux (MRP) ? La planification des besoins en matériaux est un système de gestion des stocks qui aide les entreprises à planifier, suivre, programmer et contrôler plus efficacement leurs processus de fabrication et l’utilisation des matériaux. Les PRM ont généralement trois objectifs principaux : Veiller à ce que […]
PDCA Cycle
A staple of any variation of institutional quality control methodology, the PDCA Cycle is a simple yet effective tool to plan and differentiate the steps of continuous improvement on a per-project basis. The PDCA Cycle is an iterative tool that is commonly used in the Six Sigma and Total Quality Management business philosophies. KEY TAKEAWAYS […]
Pareto Principle
What Is the Pareto Principle? Have you ever heard of the 80/20 rule? It is the phenomenon that 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes. This principle can be seen in action across multiple areas of study like ecological environments, societal structures, work time management, and even language. To wrap our minds around it, […]
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
What is PPE? PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) is considered to be any article of clothing or wearable equipment that shields and/or protects a person from injury. This includes reflective vests, hard hats, safety glasses, hazmat suits, and more than we can list. Accidents and mishaps are inevitable factors within our daily lives. From working on […]
Poka Yoke
Poka yoke is a Japanese term that means « mistake-proofing » or « error-proofing. » It is a quality control method that aims to prevent mistakes or errors from occurring in the first place by designing processes and systems in a way that makes it difficult or impossible for mistakes to happen. The concept of poka yoke was developed […]